All appointments are Telehealth: Zoom, Skype, FaceTime

Office hours:
M-F: 9-12PM: case analysis, phone calls, texts, e-mails reply
12-6PM: consultations

Consultation fees:
First appointment: $300, including the homeopathic remedy.
Follow-up appointments: $75


The First Appointment:

This appointment is approximately 2 hours, in order to gather the information necessary to determine a constitutional remedy. Having taken your full history I then have to analyze that information in order to individualize the information given during the consultation. This may take an additional 1-3 hours. The fee for the first appointment includes this additional research, as well as all brief e-mails and phone calls between appointments, which should be perform during OFFICE HOURS ONLY.
-First appointment: $300.00 (2 hours)
It does include the Homeopathic remedy you will need for the treatment.


Follow-up Appointment:

Clients need to be seen  2 weeks after the initial consultation, than every 2-6 weeks depending on the severity of their complaint(s), with updates needed between appointments to make sure we are on the right direction.

A 30 minutes appointment is adequate for children, as well as adults seen on a regular basis.

-Follow-up Appointment: $75.00

If there is a need for an additional remedy or a refill it is $20, plus $10 for shipping.

Re-assessment appointment: may be needed for client I have not seen in one year or longer.
– Reassessment Appointment: $200.00 


I take Cash,Venmo, Zelles, Checks, and  Credit Cards for payment.

For more information on homeopathy and about myself, please visit my website at fkanterhomeopath.com